rXg Knowledge Base

rXg LAGG configuration

January 27, 2025


In many scenarios, a single physical link provides insufficient capacity to carry all the user traffic. Managing multiple separate physical links becomes quickly complicated, and even technically challenging, when multiple VLANs, prefixes, etc. need to be accessible across several physical interfaces. In such situations, the use of link aggregation (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_aggregation) comes in handy, providing the ability to add capacity to the system without affecting the logical configuration associated with the interface. The capacity increase is observed at the system level, whereby traffic from any single host / application is always hashed (directed) to one of the member links in the link aggregation interface, limiting the effective throughput for that host to whatever the throughput of the given physical link is. The member link selection mechanism is usually vendor-specific, but from the end-user perspective, the link aggregation interfaces guarantee packets within the given data stream are not re-ordered. 
The added bonus? Link aggregation does provide inherent redundancy, whereby the failure of one of physical links does not affect the overall status of the given link, even though it does decrease its aggregate capacity. In the failure scenario, the link aggregation interface is self-healing and traffic is shifted away from the failed member link into one of the operating member links, providing the aforementioned redundancy. 

Link aggregation configuration on rXg

The test rXg unit is running code 15.812 (latest stable build at the time of writing) and has an Intel X520 NIC with two 10GE ports, as shown below. Ports ix0 and ix1 will be used to build a link aggregation interface (LAGG) with IEEE 802.1AX Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) enabled for load balancing and redundancy control. The use of LACP also provides much better interoperability with a variety of different switching / routing platforms. 
rxg# pciconf -lv | grep -A1 -B3 network
em0@pci0:0:25:0:    class=0x020000 rev=0x05 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x8086 device=0x153a subvendor=0x1043 subdevice=0x8535
vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
device = 'Ethernet Connection I217-LM'
class  = network
subclass   = ethernet
ix0@pci0:3:0:0: class=0x020000 rev=0x01 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x8086 device=0x154d subvendor=0x8086 subdevice=0x7b11
vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
device = 'Ethernet 10G 2P X520 Adapter'
class  = network
subclass   = ethernet
ix1@pci0:3:0:1: class=0x020000 rev=0x01 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x8086 device=0x154d subvendor=0x8086 subdevice=0x7b11
vendor = 'Intel Corporation'
device = 'Ethernet 10G 2P X520 Adapter'
class  = network
subclass   = ethernet
In this example, a Juniper QFX5100-48S-4C switch is used, running Junos 21.2X4.2 flex, providing a relatively new firmware baseline. The features used in this KB document have been in the code base for a long time and no functional changes are expected. 
This switch is configured with two physical 10GE interfaces and an aggregated Ethernet (Juniper-speak for link aggregation) interface AE20 built with LACP (fast rate) enabled, as shown below. Port descriptions and selection of the ae interface number are arbitrary. 
SW-QFX5100# show interfaces xe-0/0/32 | display set
set interfaces xe-0/0/32 description LINK-2-RXG-HOME-IXL0
set interfaces xe-0/0/32 ether-options 802.3ad ae20

SW-QFX5100# show interfaces xe-0/0/33 | display set    
set interfaces xe-0/0/33 description LINK-2-RXG-HOME-IXL1
set interfaces xe-0/0/33 ether-options 802.3ad ae20

SW-QFX5100# show interfaces ae20 | display set     
set interfaces ae20 description LINK-2-RXG-HOME
set interfaces ae20 mtu 9200
set interfaces ae20 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links 1
set interfaces ae20 aggregated-ether-options link-speed 10g
set interfaces ae20 aggregated-ether-options lacp active
set interfaces ae20 aggregated-ether-options lacp periodic fast

The rXg side configuration involves checking the status of both member interfaces (ix0 and ix1) to make sure they are up and connected, using the ‘Network::LAN::Ethernet Interfaces’ scaffold, as shown below:
With both ix0 and ix1 interfaces confirmed to be up and connected, LAGG instance is created using the ‘Network::LAN::Pseudo Interfaces’ scaffold, as shown below. Interfaces ix0 and ix1 are both tied into the newly created LAGG interface. LACP protocol is selected to maximize interoperability with a variety of different switching / routing platforms. IP configuration may be left unselected, if the LAGG interface is created as a L2 VLAN trunk. 
Once created, the LAGG interface becomes displayed under the ‘Network::LAN::Pseudo Interfaces’ scaffold, as shown below. LAGG interface numbering is controlled by rXg and cannot be modified from the frontend. 
The LAGG interface status can be also displayed from the rXg shell, as shown below. 
rxg# ifconfig lagg1
    ether a0:36:9f:13:9b:c2
    hwaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
    laggproto lacp lagghash l2,l3,l4
    laggport: ix0 flags=0<>
    laggport: ix1 flags=0<>
    groups: lagg
    media: Ethernet autoselect
    status: active
    nd6 options=9<PERFORMNUD,IFDISABLED>
On the Juniper QFX5100 side, ae20 is up, member interfaces are up, as shown below:
SW-QFX5100# run show interfaces descriptions | match RXG-HOME    
xe-0/0/32   	up	up   LINK-2-RXG-HOME-IXL0
xe-0/0/33   	up	up   LINK-2-RXG-HOME-IXL1
ae20        	up	up   LINK-2-RXG-HOME


SW-QFX5100# run show interfaces xe-0/0/32
Physical interface: xe-0/0/32, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 679, SNMP ifIndex: 549
  Description: LINK-2-RXG-HOME-IXL0
  Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 9200, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 10Gbps, BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, Ethernet-Switching Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None,
  Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Disabled, Media type: Fiber
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000
  Link flags 	: None
  CoS queues 	: 12 supported, 12 maximum usable queues
  Current address: e4:f2:7c:1a:49:e3, Hardware address: e4:f2:7c:1a:49:e3
  Last flapped   : 2025-01-20 20:54:08 MST (12:28:07 ago)
  Input rate 	: 624 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate	: 0 bps (0 pps)
  Active alarms  : None
  Active defects : None
  PCS statistics                  	Seconds
	Bit errors                         	0
	Errored blocks                     	0
  Ethernet FEC statistics          	Errors
	FEC Corrected Errors                	0
	FEC Uncorrected Errors              	0
	FEC Corrected Errors Rate           	0
	FEC Uncorrected Errors Rate         	0
  PRBS Mode : Disabled
  Interface transmit statistics: Disabled


SW-QFX5100# run show interfaces xe-0/0/33    
Physical interface: xe-0/0/33, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 680, SNMP ifIndex: 550
  Description: LINK-2-RXG-HOME-IXL1
  Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 9200, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 10Gbps, BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, Ethernet-Switching Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None,
  Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Disabled, Media type: Fiber
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000
  Link flags 	: None
  CoS queues 	: 12 supported, 12 maximum usable queues
  Current address: e4:f2:7c:1a:49:e4, Hardware address: e4:f2:7c:1a:49:e4
  Last flapped   : 2025-01-20 18:36:32 MST (14:45:45 ago)
  Input rate 	: 0 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate	: 0 bps (0 pps)
  Active alarms  : None
  Active defects : None
  PCS statistics                  	Seconds
	Bit errors                         	0
	Errored blocks                     	0
  Ethernet FEC statistics          	Errors
	FEC Corrected Errors                	0
	FEC Uncorrected Errors              	0
	FEC Corrected Errors Rate           	0
	FEC Uncorrected Errors Rate         	0
  PRBS Mode : Disabled
  Interface transmit statistics: Disabled


SW-QFX5100# run show interfaces ae20
Physical interface: ae20, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 681, SNMP ifIndex: 553
  Description: LINK-2-RXG-HOME
  Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 9200, Speed: 20Gbps, BPDU Error: None, Ethernet-Switching Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled,
  Flow control: Disabled, Minimum links needed: 1, Minimum bandwidth needed: 1bps
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000
  Current address: e4:f2:7c:1a:4a:86, Hardware address: e4:f2:7c:1a:4a:86
  Last flapped   : 2025-01-22 10:34:49 MST (00:10:37 ago)
  Input rate 	: 1248 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate	: 4704 bps (5 pps)

  Logical interface ae20.0 (Index 583) (SNMP ifIndex 554)
	Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x24024000 Encapsulation: Ethernet-Bridge
	Statistics    	Packets    	pps     	Bytes      	bps
    	Input :         	0      	0         	0        	0
    	Output:         	1      	0        	46        	0
	Adaptive Statistics:
    	Adaptive Adjusts:      	0
    	Adaptive Scans  :      	0
    	Adaptive Updates:      	0
	Protocol eth-switch, MTU: 9200
  	Flags: Trunk-Mode

The operation of LACP between the switch and rXg can be further confirmed as follows
SW-QFX5100# run show lacp interfaces ae20
Aggregated interface: ae20
	LACP state:   	Role   Exp   Def  Dist  Col  Syn  Aggr  Timeout  Activity
  	xe-0/0/32  	Actor	No	No   Yes  Yes  Yes   Yes 	Fast	Active
  	xe-0/0/32	Partner	No	No   Yes  Yes  Yes   Yes 	Slow	Active
  	xe-0/0/33  	Actor	No	No   Yes  Yes  Yes   Yes 	Fast	Active
  	xe-0/0/33	Partner	No	No   Yes  Yes  Yes   Yes 	Slow	Active
	LACP protocol:    	Receive State  Transmit State      	Mux State
  	xe-0/0/32             	Current   Slow periodic Collecting distributing
  	xe-0/0/33             	Current   Slow periodic Collecting distributing

Note that there is no way to control the LACP packet rate from the rXg frontend, hence the “Slow” value in the “Timeout” column for the link Partner. 

Word of a warning

There is also a way to create LAGG type interfaces directly from rXg shell, though this method is not recommended outside of troubleshooting activities, since the resulting interface entries are not properly propagated within the frontend database. 

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